Student Experience

At Vancouver Island Conservatory of Music & Arts, our students receive one on one instruction with our Master Musician. Your child will be welcomed into our relaxed Conservatory with no distraction. With state of the art equipment and musical instruments, our class time is reserved for your child, and specific to their needs. Parents are welcome to stay during the class, and observe from our seating area - with offerings of tea and coffee while you wait.

Weekly Rate

30 Minute Lesson | $45
45 Minute Lesson | $65

Monthly Rate

Once a Week
4 Lessons | 30 Minute | $180
4 Lessons | 45 Minute | $260

Twice a Week
8 Lessons | 30 Minute | $360
8 Lessons | 45 Minute | $520

All lessons booked within a one month period.

Seasonal Rate

Once a Week
12 Lessons | 30 Minute | $480
12 Lessons | 45 Minute | $720

Twice a Week
24 Lessons | 30 Minute | $960
24 Lessons | 45 Minute | $1440

All lessons booked within three month period.

Adult Experience

Our Adult Students receive one on one instruction with our Master Musician. You will be welcomed into our relaxed Conservatory with no distraction. With state of the art equipment and musical instruments, our class time is reserved for you, and specific to your needs.

Weekly Rate

30 Minute Lesson | $85
45 Minute Lesson | $115

Monthly Rate

Once a Week
4 Lessons | 30 Minute | $340
4 Lessons | 45 Minute | $460

Twice a Week
8 Lessons | 30 Minute | $680
8 Lessons | 45 Minute | $920

All lessons booked within a one month period.

Seasonal Rate

Once a Week
12 Lessons | 30 Minute | $960
12 Lessons | 45 Minute | $1260

Twice a Week
24 Lessons | 30 Minute | $1800
24 Lessons | 45 Minute | $2400

All lessons booked within three month period.

Cancellation Policly

No Refunds or Credit for cancellation of Lessons. Rescheduling of Lessons is permitted where a 48 hour notice is given in advance. No rescheduling permitted for cancellations with less than 48 hours notice.

Students who are late to a lesson by more than 1/2 of their allotted time without prior warning are considered absent and their remaining lesson time is forfeit.